St. James’ College of Pharmaceutical Sciences always like to stay distinct from other professional colleges. Our college is the only college among all professional college to introduce and organize ‘OUSHADHAVIJNAN’ that usually organizes and conducts exhibition, informative talks related to pharmaceutical sciences to the public. ‘OUSHADHA VIJNAN’ is a vernacular term which literally means ‘Knowledge on Drugs’.
It was first conducted in the 2010 on 25th and 26th November at town hall Thrissur. It was conducted on behalf of IPA and Kerala drugs control department.
- The main highlight of the event was demonstrating the different stages of drug manufacturing and exhibition of various instruments and apparatus used for preparation of tablets and parental preparations. This will be conducted in a grand manner by inviting the students from all nearby school, college and other public, to stimulate their basic scientific knowledge on preparation of solid or liquid dosage forms and quality control test for solid or liquid dosage forms.
- he students of our college also prepared short videos and posters to give public awareness against various diseases like Tuberculosis, Antibiotics awareness, Diabetes, Pain and Palliative care, Cancer care, Monsoon disease etc. and release through the SJCOPS Facebook page (
- The awareness programmes and informative talk was conducted by our college in Chalakudy town.